The Educational System Under Hitler’s Nazi Regime
Eleanor will share her experiences in school under Nazi teachers in Germany from 1940-1945. Schools were like military training camps.
"Heil Hitler" was the salute greeting to all teachers in the classroom as well as on the street.
Very interesting, frightening, and enlightening.
Too Much Stuff—The Dilemma of Downsizing
It is so easy for clutter and “stuff” to take over your home. A task that we all will face is distributing and disposing of the accumulated objects of a lifetime. Whether you are downsizing to a smaller home, dispersing the contents of a loved one’s estate or simply reorganizing your home, this presentation will give you a plan to reorganize and eliminate “stuff.”
Hoarder: The Neighbor Next Door
The physical world of hoarders is different from that of the rest of us. Learn what hoarding is and gain an understanding about the mindset of the hoarder—the cause of hoarding, what and how people hoard, and how the hoarder thinks. The speaker will also address when it is time to intervene and how to work with a hoarder.
Auto Dealer Shenanigans and Secrets
Things car dealers don't tell you, details about ‘auto safety recalls and repairs. How dealers maximize their profits. Compare grocery shopping to car buying to get the best value. Next to a home, this will probably be the next largest investment you'll make. Learn how to ‘hang onto your money.’
The U.S. Air Traffic Control System: Is It Safe to Fly?
Harvey shares from over 50 years of experience in aviation and is a local expert on the nation’s airspace system. He has a working knowledge of the 1981 PATCO strike and was on duty on 9/11/01 when the national ATC system was shut down. His stories told in a lighthearted style, are both informative and enjoyable.
Why I Carry a Gun – 34 Years in Law Enforcement
Police events are sometimes sensationalized and misrepresented to the public, and media depictions of police officers can be misleading or inaccurate. It is important that communities have a strong bond with their police departments and understand their role in society. In this talk the speaker will explain what it means to be a police officer and why some people decide to wear a uniform and become the protectors of their communities.
What I Learned from Gardening
Gardening teaches you more than just growing plants. It takes work and time to nurture fragile, young seedlings to maturity. We humans also take nurturing and time—along with some mistakes—before reaching maturity. Listen to the speaker’s humorous stories, lessons learned, and leave with points to ponder.
From Pup to Partner—My Life as a Service Dog
I was just a pup when I began my training. With a lot of hard work and love, I grew up to be a special type of dog—a service dog. I am now partnered with a human and you will see and learn about the exceptional bond between us. At the end, I will even show you some of the skills I learned at school!
The Wonder of the Stars and How to Locate Constellations
The stars are awe-inspiring and show the handiwork of God.
This presentation teaches hints for learning to locate many constellations. From the easily recognized Big Dipper and Orion to the Great Square of Pegasus, this talk will leave you amazed at what you can discover in the stunning night sky.